Websites for summer fun :)

Attached are a list of websites that you may find helpful over the summer to engage your child in their continued learning of the French language. SitesWebEducatifs

Also a reminder that we will dismiss from school a little earlier tomorrow. Students will be dismissed at 2:15 and will depart the school at 2:30.  Report cards and supply lists for next year will go home with your son/daughter tomorrow.

Once again, have a safe and happy summer 🙂

Mme Walker

Week of June 22nd-26th-Last week of school!

Well folks, we have arrived at the last week of the 2014-2015 school year! What a year we’ve had together! I have been so blessed again this year with a great group of students and parents and I hope that you all enjoy a much needed break this summer after all your hard work 🙂

As typical of the last week of school, this week will certainly be a busy one, as we wrap up and celebrate all of the learning that took place over the past ten months 🙂

On Wednesday, we will travel to Sandspit for our end of the year field trip. Permission slips and money were due into me last week. Students are reminded to dress for the weather on Wednesday, to pack a bagged lunch that doesn’t need to be heated up and/or to bring some money to purchase their lunch from the concession stands, and to remember to wear sunscreen.

On Friday, our last day of school, we will have our annual Celebration of Learning. Parents are invited to join us, as we celebration all of our hard work and learning, in the multi-purpose room.

This week in class we will spend some time reviewing the material covered this year and preparing for next year. In French class, we will watch the movie “Noémie-Le secret.” This movie is based on the Noémie series that we’ve been reading in language arts this year. We will also finish up our opinion pieces entitled “Le meilleur héros de l’île” and in math, we will finish making and will start playing our review board games.

I wish everyone a great last week of school and a fantastic and safe summer! Amusez-vous 🙂

Madame Walker

Week of June 15th-19th

This is our second last week of school! Wow! What a year! I’m sure we are all looking forward to the summer break, but there are still 10 great days of learning left 🙂

Permission forms for our end of year activities have been sent home. This year we will spend the day (June 24th) at Sandspit. Admission for this event is $12.50. Money and permissions forms are due back to the school by Friday, June 19th.

Let’s take a look at what else is happening inside our classroom this week…

Dictée-This will be our last week for dictée homework. We will be having our year-end evaluation later on this week on the concepts we’ve previously studied in the year. Students should take a few minutes each evening to review their notes and to complete the assigned practice exercises.

Reading- We will be spending this week doing some independent reading and will also spend some time sharing books that we’ve enjoyed over the year with our peers and with students in the Grade 7 class. This will help us to practice both our reading strategies and our oral language skills and is a great activity for students to continue over the summer months.

Writing- As part of our study of the persuasive text form, students will be writing a persuasive text to decide who should be PEI’s number 1 hero. Each student has chosen a candidate and will attempt to persuade their peers why their hero is deserving of this award. As part of our Gulf Shore Gives Back project, we will then celebrate these heroes, by making and presenting them with a special treat.

Math-We have now finished all concepts of the Grade 5 Math curriculum. This week and next we will be reviewing these concepts. In pairs, students will create a board game centered around the concepts we’ve been working on in math class this year. Late next week, we will practice these concepts as we play the games together.

Science- This week we will finish up our unit on Space. We will look at what life is like for astronauts who travel to other parts of our solar system and how simple tasks like eating and drinking are much more difficult aboard the International Space Station.

Health-We will finish up our unit on personal hygiene and safety.

Grade 7 Science

This week, we will continue to look at food chains and ecological pyramids.

Grade 8 Science

This week we will continue to be work with Mr. Holmes’ class, experimenting with erosion, waves, and the impact we have on water supply.

Have a wonderful week!

Madame Walker

Week of June 8th-11th

As we continue to fly through the school year there are lots of exciting events happening here at Gulf Shore 🙂

Permission forms for our end of year activities have been sent home. This year we will spend the day of June 24th (rain date: June 25th) at Sandspit. Admission for this event is $12.50. Money and permissions forms are due back to the school by Friday, June 19th.

Let’s take a look at what else is happening inside our classroom this week…

Dictée-For our dictée this week we will continue to review those concepts be have previously studied this year. Students are reminded to complete the nightly assignment in preparation for our dictée on Day 1 of next cycle.

Reading- We have reached the final pages of our novel “Sophie Lance et Compte.” This week we will finish up our book reviews and we will complete some reading comprehension activities in addition to our independent reading.

Writing- We will continue our study of the persuasive text form, exploring the structure of these texts and writing some examples together, before starting our own.

Math-With our last foundational quiz now complete, we will finish the year with an overall review of the concepts we’ve covered since September. We will also start our final unit of study on probability (chance and uncertainty). This important branch of mathematics helps us make informed decisions in many aspects of everyday life, from playing games to choosing medical treatments.

In this unit, your child will:

• Use words such as likely, unlikely, impossible, and certain
• Describe the probability of everyday events
• Compare the likelihood of two events

Probability concepts can be practiced at home as well as at school. Here are some suggestions for activities you can do at home:

• Play board games and card games with your child. Compare games that depend on chance (for example, snakes and ladders) with games that depend on skill (for example, chess). Look for games that combine chance and skill.

• Encourage your child to discuss general ideas of randomness, luck, and chance. Is it true that some people are luckier than others? Can you improve your chances by wearing a lucky pair of shoes? What does it mean to say that something happens by chance? Rather than just looking for “correct” answers, enjoy the opportunity to discover more about your child’s thinking as you explore these complex ideas together.

Science- In our Space unit this week, we will take a closer look at stars and constellations. We will also plant some seeds that have traveled through our solar system and we will monitor their progress through to the end of the year.

Health-We will continue our unit on personal hygiene and safety.

Grade 7 Science

This week, we will look at food chains and ecological pyramids.

Grade 8 Science

This week we will be working with Mr. Holmes’ class, experimenting with erosion, waves, and the impact we, as humans. have on our global and local water supply.

Have a fantastic week!

Madame Walker

Week of June 1st-5th

June has arrived and has brought with it lots of beautiful weather! Just a small reminder as the temperature climbs, to review our school’s dress code 🙂

This week will prove to be another busy one here at Gulf Shore! Last week we were treated to a presentation in English from local author Jamie Lee Mann. Lots of great questions were asked and I think everyone walked away with an increased desire to follow our passions in life and to improve our writing. This week, as part of the Salon du livre happening from Thursday-Sunday at UPEI, we will be treated to a presentation from author Sylvie Roberge. Ms. Roberge will present to the Grade 4-6 Immersion classes on Friday afternoon about her work and her love of writing. Students are also invited to attend the book expo over the weekend to take advantage of this unique learning opportunity and to perhaps pick up some books for summer reading 🙂

Let’s take a look at what else is happening inside our classroom this week…

Dictée-For our dictée this week we will finish up looking at correcting mistakes in our sentences. This is great practice for when we edit our writing. Students will then begin to review the grammar concepts previously studied this year.

Reading- This week we hope to finish up our novel “Sophie Lance et Compte” and will respond to what we’ve read.

Writing- This week, we will put the finishing touches on our biographies and we will start to explore the persuasive text form. Together, we will read some letters of opinion and we will discuss the components of this type of writing.

Math-Our final foundational outcome quiz of the year will take place later on in the week. We will also start our study of transformations. Your child will explore how shapes are moved or transformed.

In this unit, your child will:

• Describe and explore translations (slides), reflections (flips), and rotations (turns).
• Perform and identify translations, reflections, and rotations.
• Draw translations, reflections, and rotations.

Shapes can be moved in different ways to produce images. Your child will learn to describe motion in the following ways:

A translation moves a shape horizontally (left or right), vertically (up or down), or along a slanted line, to produce a translation image.
A reflection produces an image after a reflection in a line of reflection.
A rotation turns a shape clockwise or counterclockwise, about a point of rotation, by a fraction of a turn.

Here are some suggestions for activities you can do with your child.

Have your child find objects at home that slide (for example, a drawer opening or closing), reflect (for example, a reflection in a mirror or other shiny surface), and turn (for example, the hands on a clock).

Science- As we move through our unit on Space, this week we will explore constellations and stars.

Health-We will be starting a unit on personal hygiene and safety.

Grade 7 Science

This week we will be moving through our unit on ecosystems, looking in particular at populations, communities and animals and their niches.

Grade 8 Science

As we move further into our study of water systems, we will spend some time this week looking at waves, tides and ocean currents.

Have a marvelous week!

Madame Walker