Just a reminder that we have a science quiz tomorrow on Section 1.2. We’ve gone over the review sheet in class and corrected it so all students should have the right answers. Study hard and Bonne chance!
Also in Social Studies we have started a current events assignment. While we are studying ancient history as part of our social studies program, it is still important that the students are aware of what is happening close to home. This will be an on-going assignment.
Each week (ONE time per week, this does not need to happen every evening!)students are asked to listen to the radio, watch the nightly news, read a morning paper, visit an online newsite, etc. They will then write a journal entry based on what they’ve learned that contains the following:
1. The date of the news story
2. Where they got the information (ie. The Guardian, The Graphic, Compass, ctv.ca, etc.)
3. What happened (A summary of the event/article) If students wish they can cut and paste the article into their scribbler, but I am still expecting that they summarize the item in french.
4. Their opinion: This can be their feelings on the issue, how it might impact our region/community/school, etc.
Each Friday we will share our findings with the class and every few weeks I will collect their work to ensure that every student is following the proper guidelines.
This activity is a way to engage our young people in current events and to help them start thinking about what happens all around them. Feel free to suggest stories they might be interested in and have fun!
Any questions please don’t hesitate to ask 🙂
Mme Walker