Week of January 4-7

As we enter the 2022 part of the 2021-2022 school year, I know that this wasn’t the return to school that we had been hoping for, but we will make the best of it and support each other in true Gulf Shore style 🙂

Starting on Thursday, January 6th, students will follow their regular daily schedule, but they will do so remotely using Google Classroom. All necessary materials and links can be found in Classroom. Students should join their teacher’s Google Meet link (this is found in Classroom in the top left hand corner) at the beginning of each period.

Here is a look at what we will learning during our virtual classes this week…

French- Our virtual oral language warm-up this week will begin together with a pair and share about our holiday break and then continue later on this week practicing expressions that use the verb “avoir”, the passé compose, and also those where two verbs are used together. Proper verb conjugation is a goal for many of my students, so we will spend lots of time focusing on some activities in the coming weeks to help give them some strategies to improve their spoken language. As we work through our unit in #LaClasse, students will also make progress on their travel journals, looking closely at le passé compose.

Science-We will wrap up our final sections of Chapter 4 on human reproduction over the next few days. Together, we will look at the stages of human development both before and after birth, as well contraception.

Grade 9 Science-During our classes this week we will return to our textbook to explore chemical and physical changes in matter (Chapter 7). Much of this chapter is a review from Grade 8, but with our added knowledge of how atoms combine from our studies before the break, students will look at these concepts through a different lens than they did last year.

Grade 7 Science-Before the break, we began our unit on biodiversity. This week students will review the concepts we discussed in December including species, taxonomy, and population, before beginning to look at habitat and niche later on in the week.

Grade 9 English Science-As we continue to move through our chemistry unit, this week we will look at how the periodic table is organized and explain why it is called the “periodic” table.

Happy New Year! Have a wonderful week! Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions and concerns you may have.

Mme MacNevin