Week of January 30-February 3

This week we will flip the calendar to the month of February. The storms last week may have put us just a little behind in our preparations for the science fair, but we are still well on our way. This week students should be finishing up their method and conducting their experiments. All results (meaning the completed experiment) are due on Monday, February 6. We will then begin to work on our backboards. Students should bring their backboard with them to school next week. If they cannot take them on the bus, I would suggest they bring them on an early morning band day or arrange for someone to drop it off to the school for them. I’ve heard that these boards are in popular demand around town, but I did have some success purchasing them at Michael’s if your child is still looking.

Now let’s take a look into our learning over these last few days of January and the first few of February…..

French-Work is moving along nicely in our creation of our travel journals. We will continue to use our online resource #LaClasse to help us in the creation of this project.

We continue reading our novel “Mamie Gangster.” We are nearing its end and will prepare for our final reflection on what we’ve read in the coming days.

Finally, during our daily warm-ups we will work on using verbs in the past tense and some commonly misused expressions.

Science-Over the next few days we will wrap up our study of human reproduction (Chapter 4). On Friday, students will write a quick Google Forms assessment on these concepts. This means that many of our classes this week will be spent reviewing the outcomes of this sections through interactive games and activities.

Grade 9 Science-As we keep moving through chapter 8, this week we will explore waves and the electromagnetic spectrum in greater detail through both some virtual and interactive experiments in the lab.

Grade 7 Science-Our look into ecosystems will end this week as we finish up chapter 3 with a deeper discussion into adaptations and how different species use them to survive, as we create our own animals and showcase their adaptations. We will then begin our review in preparations for our chapter 3 quiz which will take place early next week.

Grade 9 English Science-This week we will prepare for our quiz on chapter 5 (atoms and elements). We will spend our classes together finishing up our look at the periodic table and engaging in many different review games and activities to help us prepare. Students are also encouraged to check out Google Classroom for more review tools and games.

Wishing you all a marvelous week!

Mme MacNevin