Welcome Back!

Welcome back! I hope everyone had a fun and relaxing holiday 🙂

We are now fast approaching exam time for our grade 9 students. I have stressed to my students and will continue to stress that this is just a large test and while students should spend time preparing for their exams, they need not worry 🙂

I will provide students with the topics to review in the coming days and I am readily avaliable for extra help both during CCAP and after school.

Students should now begin to organize and review their notes and make sure that they have copies of all the tests and assignments to date.  I will send home a more comprehensive review later on, but the material on the exam is Chapters 1-5 in their textbooks, any notes given in class and all material previously evaluated including tests, assignments and lab reports.

Any questions please do not hesitate to contact me 🙂

Here’s tonight’s homework:

9C: Trouvez vos personnages pour le projet de français, Lecture des pages 150-153 en sciences

8C: Pas de devoirs

7C: Projet d’ami (une image + un poème- à prĂ©senter vendredi le 6 janvier)

Bonne semaine,

Madame Walker