Happy Monday!

With less than two weeks before exams students should be well into their studies. I will be providing an extended review in class tomorrow after our quiz. Please be diligent in completing these sheets, as they are very similar to the kinds of questions you will see on your exam.

I am avaliable in the library during CCAP and in my classroom after school on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. Please do not hesitate to come for a little extra help if you need it or if you are just looking for a quiet place to study 🙂

Here is tonight’s homework:

9C: Sciences-Quiz demain (Chapitre 5), Examen, le 27 janvier, Français: Continuez votre recherche

8C: Bonne copie (recherche: l’alimentations) due le mercredi 18 janvier

7C: Commencez vos textes informatifs: Quel genre d’ami êtes-vous

Mme Walker