Week of September 30th-October 4th

Week of September 30th-October 4th  

Reminders for this week:

The Terry Fox Day was a huge success! Thanks to all those who participated and to everyone who donated to our fund-raising campaign. Bravo! If you haven’t already turned in your money and pledge forms, please do so as soon as possible 🙂

The Dental Clinic continues this week. Please make sure your consent forms (yellow sheets) have been passed in.

Here’s a look at what is happening inside our classroom this week:

Grade 5

French- For our dictée this week, we will continue to work on sentence structure and writing different forms of sentences that are accurate in French. We will then work on practicing using our tools (dictionary, Bescherelle) to help us when we get stuck in our writing.

In reading, we will continue to work on our “Carnet de lecture” (reading workshop journal). This week we will create a list of our interests and of different authors we like to read and will look at how to write and proof-read letters that express our thoughts in response to what we are reading.

In writing, we are writing a narrative text and are working on sharing what we’ve written respectfully with our peers. We will also continue to review the writing process.

Math-We are continuing to work on our estimation strategies and checking to see if our estimations are correct. We also are continuing to work on our math facts.

Science-As we continue our unit on sound, this week we will look at different tones and at how people and animals form and hear sounds in different ways. We will also experiment creating our own sounds in order to see the vibrations sound makes.  

Social Studies-Work continues on the unit “Bâtir une communauté.” Students are presently exploring the components of a community and will work towards their final project; creating a fictitious community of their own.

Grade 7 and 8 Science

This week, we will have our first test on the lab safety procedures and on the first few section of our unit on the Earth’s Crust. Then, we will continue our study of the earth; looking at soil, studying its layers and how its components help plants grow.

Have a great week!

Madame April Walker