Week of May 19th-22rd

I hope everyone had a great long weekend! Fingers crossed for more great weather like we’ve had to continue in the coming weeks 🙂

This week, students in Grade 5 immersion will continue to write the Provincial French Immersion Elementary Literacy Assessment. The last two parts of the assessment will take place on Wednesday May 20th and Thursday, May 21st. As stated in the letters previously sent home, there is no need to prepare for this assessment. We have gone over some sample questions together in class and we have had some great discussions together in class about the importance of being well rested and simply trying our best. I am pleased with how the assessment has gone thus far, but if you have any questions at all please don’t hesitate to contact me 🙂

On Wednesday, May 20th our Home and School will have their annual general meeting at 7:00pm in the Science Lab.

Let’s take a look at what else is happening inside our classroom this week…

Dictée-This week we will finish up our study of different expressions in French that use the verb avoir-to have instead of the verb être-to be. For example- J’ai dix ans. As always, students should take some time each night to go over these concepts, in addition to our work together in class in preparation for our dictée on Day 1 (Friday).

Reading- We continue to read the novel “Sophie Lance et Compte” and to work on our individual reading goals.

Writing- This week in writer’s workshop, we will finish up revising and editing our biographies, as we prepare them for publishing.

Math-This week in math, we will have our evaluation on capacity and we will start our unit on geometry. Geometric shapes are in the world all around us, and mathematics can help your child recognize important features of geometry. Recognizing geometric features and understanding geometric form are key steps in developing a higher level of mathematical thinking.

In this unit, your child will:

• Build, represent, and describe geometric objects and shapes
• Identify and sort quadrilaterals (that is, shapes with 4 sides)
Geometric shapes and objects can be found outside the classroom. Encourage your child to look for geometric shapes and objects around the home and neighbourhood, and talk about them.

Here are some suggestions for activities that you can do at home:

• Look for geometric shapes in buildings and street signs. For example, a stop sign has the shape of an octagon, and a yield sign has the shape of a triangle.
• Find objects around the house that have different shapes. For example, a tissue box or a cereal box has the shape of a rectangular prism. Ask your child to tell you the differences between the objects.

Science- As we continue with our unit on Space, and the solar system, we will continue to study the planets, their order and other objects in space including, asteroids, stars, comets, satellites, moons, and constellations.

Grade 7 Science

This week we will finish up our final assessment for our unit on Heat and we will start our unit on Ecosystems.

Grade 8 Science

This week will we finish up our oral presentations on body systems and we will start into our unit on Water Systems.

Have a fantastic week!

Madame Walker

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