Week of September 21st-25th

Happy Monday everyone! Things are certainly rolling along, as we all get used to our new normal 🙂

Our Terry Fox Walk/Run and Fun Day will take place on Friday, October 2nd. Stay tuned for many more details as to how the day will unfold 🙂 While it will look much different this year due to COVID-19 restrictions, I have no doubt that it will be a success as in years past! All fundraising will take place online. Students are asked NOT to fundraise door to door, but are encouraged to come up with some creative ways to round up online donations. Please visit the following link for more details.

Our Hot Lunch program is now up and running for milk orders. Please refer to the Milk and Hot Lunch Sales tab on our school’s website for more details. This is in addition to the PEI Healthy School Food Program run by the province.

School pictures will take place on Friday, September 25th. A notice went home last week outlining the details. Please also refer to our webpage if you need any additional information.

There are also still a few students in my homeroom who need to send in their $25.00 student fee.

With all those housekeeping announcements out of the way, now let’s take a look at what we will be learning during our classes together this coming week…

French- Our oral presentations entitled “Je me presente à l’aide des images” will wrap up today and tomorrow. These presentations will also provide a great starting point for us to identify areas for improvement when it comes to our individual short term oral language learning goals.

This week we will continue diagnostic testing in both written and oral comprehension and production. We will also take a look at some common errors that often result in direct translations and gain some useful strategies to help correct them.

Science-We are now fully immersed in our first unit: “L’univers materiel.” This week we will continue to discuss atoms and molecules and Dalton’s atomic theory. We will also begin to examine the Periodic Table of the Elements and discuss how matter is organized and grouped on the table. Students will work on a project where they will each research a different element to showcase their understanding of how we can use the periodic table to find important information and make models of molecules using toothpicks and marshmallows.

Grade 9 Science-This week students will explore how matter is organized, as they define and discuss the differences between elements, compounds, atoms, molecules, mixtures and solutions. In the lab, they will work for “GS Industries” as they attempt to separate a mixture and discuss its different components; identifying at each stage of separation if what they see before them is an element, a compound, a mixture or a solution.

Grade 7 Science- Late last week we kicked off the first unit of our Science program on matter. This week we will discuss the three states of matter and how atoms behave in each state. Students will even become solid, liquid and gas particles, as we act out “the dance of the atoms” to explain the properties of each state of matter. We will then begin to look at how changes in temperature impact that behavior, as we explore how substances can move from one state of matter to another.

Grade 5-9 Core French- Over the next few classes we will continue to work to create our French class routines and review what we studied in previous years; playing some games and putting into place our oral comprehension and production skills and strategies.

Have a fabulous week!

Mme MacNevin