Week of February 19-23

I hope everyone had a relaxing long weekend and got to spend some time with the ones you love. Despite this being a shorter week, it will be a very busy one here at Gulf Shore, as we inch closer to our annual science fair.

Now let’s take a look what else will be happening during our classes together….

Grade 7 Science-We continue to discuss heat and temperature. Students will spend more time learning how to measure temperature and we will continue to discuss the different scales and instruments used to tell temperature around the world.

Our goal this week in preparation for the science fair is to get our reports finished up, revised and printed. If you child has not yet brought their backboard into school, please have them do so as soon as possible.

Grade 7 Core- This week we will continue exploring how to extend invitations in French. We will also continue learning the song “Français, Français”. This song is a bit of an ear warm and we are having fun learning some actions to it as well 😊

Grade 9 Immersion Science-Over the next few days, students will wrap up their exploration of how matter is organized. We will then shift our focus to solutions, exploring how concentration is calculated.

Grade 8 Science-As hard as it is to believe, we are quickly coming to the end of our first chapter for our unit on ecosystems. These next couple of days will bring about a review of those concepts and students will then write their chapter quiz for this section on Day 2 (Wednesday). Once the quiz is complete, we will shift our attention to symbiosis, as we discuss the relationships between organisms within an ecosystem.

Grade 9 STEM-This week we will continue to learn about the options available at Bluefield, as we take a further look high school courses and graduation requirements in preparation for our high school registration in a couple of weeks. Our daily warmups to help us to think outside the box and our dive into coding will also continue.

Wishing you all a fantastic week ahead!

Mme MacNevin